Women in Business 2021

By: Laurie Silvey, Associate VP Business Services, Illinois Chamber of Commerce

The Women in Business Conference returned to in-person with a hybrid component on November 5, 2021. This year’s event took place at Elements in Naperville, IL with the theme of New Beginnings.  The agenda not only highlighted the emergence from remote learning and working, but focused as well on personal health, personal wealth, and personal well-being.  Each speaker and panel discussion provided thoughtful ideas for growth in multiple areas. 

The robust agenda kicked off the day with Elaine Hand’s lively discussion about Co-existing with Your Co-workers.  Nearly everybody has had to distance themselves from their colleagues at the office, whether just social distancing or remote working. This program provided a way to reconnect with those fellow employees and bring teams back together.  Elaine had the audience (both virtual and in-person) on their feet with her team-building exercises and ideas to try at the office later. 

Jynnifer Cotharn, Moderator
L to R: Meghan Woltman, Advocate Aurora Health;
Chelsea Allison, UPS;
Melissa Woessner, Wahl Clipper.

Next up was a panel discussion focusing on personal well-being. “What we Learned from the Pandemic” was moderated by Jynnifer Cotharn of Inman Fitzgibbons.  She kept the exchange moving along, asking questions of the three panelists. They included Melissa Woessner from Wahl Clipper, Chelsea Allison from United Parcel Service, and Meghan Woltman from Advocate Aurora Health.  It was interesting to hear how these three very different companies pivoted directions with the onset of Covid-19. They offered advice on putting together disaster plans, as well as talking about the challenges and opportunities presented by the pandemic and how they were successful in navigating through them. 

Kathy Brady, CMB Inc.

Kathy Brady offered insight on “Obesity: Why It matters to Your Organization and How You Can Take Action.” She looked at the effects obesity can have on your workforce and provided shareable tools and resources for care along the weight management continuum. 

The next panel discussion was moderated by Kristin Beal of Wintrust Wealth Management.  She, along with panelists Miranda Johns-Cumming of Commerce Bank, and Danielle Marshall from Edward Jones, spoke about Financial Wellness.  They delved into the reasons why women need to be knowledgeable about finances and offered advice on planning for taking care of aging parents, planning for future retirement, and dealing with difficult times that can tap into your savings and investments. 

The final speaker of the day was Lori Healey, Senior Vice President and Operations and Implementation Lead for the Obama Presidential Center of the Obama Foundation. She briefly touched on her career trajectory and how she got to her current position, while giving an in-depth look at the development of the Obama Presidential Center being planned for Chicago.  She graciously answered a flurry of questions about the center as well as her career path to close out the day.

To end things off, exhibitors were invited up to speak about their companies as well as award some door prizes.  The conference floor remained open for a time after the event for attendees to network and meet with each other.  Plans are already in motion for next year’s event, which will be held in-person during the summer.  Date and location will be announced soon after the first of the year. 
